Sunday, January 20, 2008

Dolores Umbridge '08

Dolores Umbridge '08

The reappearance of the ever dreadful, ever affected Peggy Noonan joining NBC networks as an analyst does seem like a sign of the apocalypse. Hey: The New York Times went under the bus for Sith Kristol, so NBC had to roll over dead for Smeggy Noonan. Where ARE David Brooks and Kate O’Beirne when you need them?

With all her posturing and fake sweetness, Noonan strangely resembles a real-life version of Harry Potter archconservative wizard, Dolores Umbridge. Ms. “read my lips” Noonan was a guest analyst last night on MSNBC’s coverage of the Nevada caucus. She then magically appeared this morning on “Meet the Press.”

Noonan is so sickening and scripted that she seems like a resentful reject from a high school drama production. Last night and today, she went on in histrionic fashion to reminisce about the Reagan revolution, to claim that the Republican Party is in search of “its soul,” and to warn that albeit she worked for Reagan, Bush I and Bush junior, she so dislikes the idea of presidential dynasties in American politics???? Peggy: are you trying to convince me or are you trying to convince yourself? Let’s not forget, the woman who made the case against Hillary Clinton (because she didn't hate Hillary; she only had "contempt" for her) can’t stand the idea of a Clinton restoration.

Look, I understand that these media outlets must have a fair representation of both liberal and conservative commentators. And I’m rejoicing in the fact that thankfully liberal Rachel Maddow is becoming a regular for MSNBC and conservative Matthew Dowd is cameo-ing on ABC—two, normal, intelligent, level-headed commentators. But why The New York Times signed a pact with a neoconservative Sith and NBC went to the ministry of magic to get Dolores Umbridge is beyond me.


Anonymous said...

AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot stand Peggy Noonan! In fact I loathe her so much that I Googled, "I can't stand Peggy Noonan," and here are some of the gems I found:

I can't stand Peggy Noonan. She has bizarre 'I'm sexy' affectations with her head lolling about like a pumpkin on a spring. Today, I can tolerate watching her make an ass of herself...I love this video!!

I can't stand Peggy Noonan and her smarmy charm. She really used to make me ill when she was on with Chris Mathews and he would play up to her. Her phony sweetness can really make one gag.

Peggy Noonan is an old fashioned girl whose days as the romantic writer of the rousing optimistic speech is over. She literally closes her eyes when speaking, and genuflects on her greatness. Her smugness is as unspeakable as her twisting and remaking the facts of history. She's impossible to watch or hear. Peggy is over.

Peggy Noonan is a loon. She scares me. When she spews her highly irrational language of Republican grandeur, she takes on that that glazed-over look of someone who has completely succumbed to the mind-numbing dogma of a cult. This woman drank the Kool-aid.

Man oh man, I can't stand Peggy Noonan. Not particulary because of her viewpoint, although her tendancy towards puppy-worship can be annoying, but the way she talks, her facial expressions. Swear to god, its like she's under the impression she's talking to a bunch of 6 year olds with lovable but deeply misguided views of the world. Sickeningly cloying and patronising.

I can't stand Peggy Noonan. She is probably the snottiest person I've ever saw on television. She always comes across like she thinks she knows more than anyone in the room. I can't stand people like that. Where I come from we call it "too big for her britches"

I can’t stand Peggy Noonan. She reminds me of a socialite.

I can't stand Peggy Noonan, with her phony voice and drama queen delivery.

I can't stand Peggy Noonan. She is an empty fraud.

Anonymous said...

Please folks, more anti-Peggy Noonan posts!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loathe her with every fiber of my being!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And please reply to my comment to show me that you are confirmed in your hatred of her!!!!!!!!!!!!! And that you're not just pretending to!!!!!!!!!!!!

sptmck said...

She is an uber troll. Thanks for your comments. We hear you!

sptmck said...

She is an uber troll. Thanks for your comments. We hear you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's so reassuring to know that there are other people in the world that are as revolted by her as I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For years I thought I was the only one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Day.

Anonymous said...

Agreed! She should be reading books to 1st graders at the public library. Her natural state is so condescending. I keep wondering is she pulled those ass beads out and put them around her neck just before the green room or just after.

I couldn't care less that she's a republican. She how I would imagine Cindy McCain if she ever opened her month.