Monday, July 24, 2006

A tribute to Maxine Waters, Fearless & Blue

Yesterday, as Senator Lieberman was making his conevenient cameos at African-American churches in CT, the great congresswoman Maxine Waters, known for her unwavering support of Civil Rights and voting rights, was stumping for Ned Lamont. Decked out in a dress-suit and high heels, Mrs. Waters did more than just cameo; she was greeting voters in the streets of Hartford and going door to door, getting the job done. So while the Democrat establishment quakes and cowers, hoping that Bubba will score big points with the African-American constituency today, the same constituency that Lieberman has dissed time and time again with his assualt on Affirmative action, the Lamont campaign made the wise choice with Mrs. Waters, a fighter, a believer, a poltician for the people.

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