Monday, August 06, 2007

Is This New Information?


It seems that things have not improved with the newly passed legislation that enables Chimpy to continue to spy on Americans. It seems like Chimpspionage as usual. Perhaps it’s the release of The Bourne Ultimatum that has curious George doing somersaults in his cage as if he really were a spy on a mission. No doubt, the Democrats failed to deliver a real ULTIMATUM to our Commander-in-Chief. While they lost their spines, they put their index fingers on their noses and said “not it” when it comes to confronting the moronic monkey and his Cyclops, surrogate father. The Republicans were no better; they just did the usual: lockstep to “skip-to-my-lou,” my monkey.

The Senate just gave the Chimpernator the green light; the House put up a bit of a fight and just flatlined to go on vacation to get some sort of “compromise” of the bill. Meanwhile, the spy who “loves” you and me continues to do what he wants, when he wants, and however he wants, regardless of approval, disapproval ratings, or the constitution for that matter. Is this new information?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Has he threatened them with Gitmo or something? Their performance is beyond disgraceful.