Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Gut Feelings

Gut Feelings

Look out everybody: Skeletor Michael Chertoff, Homeland Security Puke, has a “gut” feeling—you can’t make this shit up—that a terrorist attack is coming this summer. Nice, huh? Facts and evidence fall by the wayside in this administration; gut feelings obviously rule the day.

When you think about it, the gut feeling policy seems to explain a lot, doesn't it? For it could be that Chimpy acted on his gut to invade Iraq in the first place; he could, in fact, have had a gut feeling that THERE were WMDs, regardless of whether or not they were actually there; perhaps it was his gut, after a bad cajun meal, that led him to virtually ignore Katrina in her first 48 hours; and maybe, just maybe it's Chimpy's gut that's telling him not to pull out of Iraq, the hell with reality.

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